FENIX® Thermal Healing of Superficial Micro Scratches: Exquisite Home Finishing with Well-conceived Maintenance

As an innovative material, FENIX have many superior features. Particularly with its thermal healing feature, it is able to make every corner of your home truly exquisite and elegant.

Like personal care, home finishing needs maintenance, too. As an innovative material, FENIX have many superior features. Particularly with its thermal healing feature, it is able to make every corner of your home truly exquisite and elegant.



Cabinets are said to be the furniture with the highest utilization rate at home. In particular, as the countertops tend be bear the brunt of “tear and wear”. Typical household cleaning agent can be used on FENIX surface and thermal healing of superficial microscratches is possible. This helps to cut down effort and time required to clean up the kitchen.

Image courtesy of Ballerina Küchen


The Living & Dining Rooms: Urchin’s Paradise

The living & dining rooms are the proverbial activity center for most if not all families with kids, for whom surfaces like walls, tables, and chairs make their perfect "canvas". With FENIX thermal healing feature of micro-scratches, you can now let your kids play without worrying about scratching your furniture.

Image courtesy of Roche Bobois


The Study Room: Your Reading Time Sanctuary

Whether the common area at home is used for homework, study, reading, or tea, an ambience of tranquility and tidiness can contribute in no small ways to improving efficiency. FENIX® thermal healing of superficial micro-scratches streamlines easy maintenance to spare you more meaningful time to enjoy your books or paperwork.


FENIX®; Innovative Materials for Interior Design,
Hassle-free Maintenance for Exquisite Lifestyle.


What's FENIX?

Discover FENIX, the innovative materials for interior design created by Arpa Industriale for a range of vertical and horizontal interior design applications

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